Released in 2018, "Bharat Ane Nenu" is a political drama film directed by Koratala Siva, and it stars Mahesh Babu in the lead role of Bharat, a young man who becomes the Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh after his father's sudden demise. The film explores the challenges that Bharat faces as he navigates the corrupt political system and strives to fulfill his father's vision of a corruption-free state. Mahesh Babu's performance in "Bharat Ane Nenu" is outstanding. He delivers a nuanced portrayal of a young man thrust into a position of power, who must navigate the complex and often corrupt world of politics. His performance is both restrained and powerful, and he brings a sense of depth and sincerity to the character that is both impressive and moving. The film's direction by Koratala Siva is also noteworthy. He does an excellent job of balancing the political drama with moments of emotion and action, and he manages to keep the audience engaged throug...